What am I thinking about?
What am I thinking about?
Partner Co-Marketing Boosts Your Budget
A number of years ago, I was the communications lead for a large, multi-city, multi-day event. The problem was that my client had no budget to promote it. The solution was that the sponsors of the event did. The sponsors were all brand-name multinationals eager to make the most of the event. I...
Finding Partners
In every sector, there is a value chain. The customer (or client) has a need. In order to resolve that need, they will probably need more than one...
A Love Song to Small Business Partnerships
When a client contracts with me to launch their company (or re-position it, or re-brand it), by necessity, I use subcontractors. For one client’s...
Let’s talk
If you have a project you’d like to discuss, or want to understand more about how I might help…
Call me on + 44 (0) 7340 788 880
Email laurence@river-otter.co.uk
Or use this contact form
Please let me know what you’d like to discuss and I’ll be in touch as quickly as I can.
Or – if you’d prefer – do give me a call on + 44 (0) 7340 788 880, email laurence@river-otter.co.uk or come and find me on LinkedIn.